Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Day at the Park

Bateman Park was redone over the winter so we now have a new place for the kids to play right in our own neighbourhood.  We try to make it there a few times a week and each time we go I'm finding Makenna more eager to go climbing and sliding.  The babies are also more interested the park and enjoy their time in the tandem baby swing.  Emerson is getting better at standing every day and on this particular visit, was totally fascinated by two dogs that were running around the park - hence, her facial expressions.

Jaxon is enjoying the park more and more each time we go.  I think he enjoys being able to stand and really check things out - I'm sure he also appreciates escaping from the confines of the stroller.

Makenna continues to enjoy the swings.  We have graduated from the baby swing and she is more confident on the big kid swings.  I have to give her a limit on the number of underducks otherwise I'll be there pushing her all day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Scraggy Hair, Tank Tops & Super Why

"Mom, I want scraggy hair today."  If we are leaving the house...yah...no!  Otherwise, the ponies are pulled out and she looks like a scrag.  The kid is also obsessed with tank tops and comfy pants.  I guess she has seen me too often walk in the door and change into comfies.  The first thing she does now after a day out is head to her room, dig in the bottom drawer and puts on either joggers, yoga pants or leggings.  Along with this comes a tank top and no socks. Sometimes she matches but this is rare. Needless to say she will never go out with me in any of her get ups - I still (and will always) have the final say! In the meantime... I thank her for the extra load of laundry.

Makenna is obsessed with Super Why (a PBS show) - so much so that I've ordered a DVD from PBS and downloaded a Podcast in iTunes.  The only bonus with this obsession (aside from her practising reading and recognizing letters) is that I can play it on the computer downstairs while Dave and I put the babies to bed.  I am proud to report that Makenna knows all of her letters (upper and lower case) and their sounds.  She sometimes confuses i/I with 1 or l, but I'm not too concerned about that.

When Emerson gets hurt or upset she crosses her arms and pouts - it's very heart wrenching.  She loves to play peek-a-boo by covering her eyes with the back of her hands - it cracks me up how she thinks we can't see her.  Emerson has also discovered her love of cheese and chicken fajita lunch meat.  

Jaxon still refuses to roll himself over or attempt to get up when one of his sisters knocks him over - or even if he falls on his own he still plays the victim and cries to be saved.  He is getting braver when it comes to cruising but I think it will be quite a while before he actually walks - he's too cautious and really doesn't like to fall.

Makenna is also really getting in to pretend play - she's a mommy now and dotes on her baby Denise - feeding her, dressing her, putting her to bed - you name it.  Apparently, we need to get a  babysitter for her baby now when we go out because "she will cry" if we don't.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some big firsts...

I should note that this week has been a big week of firsts for Emerson and Jaxon.  

On Sunday Jaxon was officially pulling up to standing on a regular basis and finally in the last couple of days will get himself back down without excessive whining or begging to be saved.  At times he still does the half laugh half whine but, overall, he thinks that he's something else since he can get around the tables, toys, fridge and even climb the back of your legs.  His best cruising this week was from the Leap Frog table to the fire place and along the rock wall.  Go buddy go!

Yesterday I thought that I heard Emerson clearly say "baby" and now, today, I have confirmed it. Aside from mama, dada, uh oh and a few others, this is her first real word.  She has also been trying really hard this week to pull up to standing - she almost had it today on the side of the toy basket, but then gave up and found something else to play with.  My happy girl can't be bothered to be frustrated.

Why why why?

So... after talking to Sonja I decided that I needed to start this blog to record/document all of the crazy and not so crazy little things that happen on a daily basis in the Tarnowski household.  Let's just say this blog is inspired by this incident...

After a morning out at Auntie Sonja's for a playdate with AJ and Dexter, I made some lunch for Makenna to eat while I put Emerson and Jaxon to bed for a nap.  I finally got them both into bed and Makenna had only a couple of things left on her plate.  I told her  I was running downstairs for a minute and that if she was finished everything on her plate by the time I came back we would play a game of Cariboo before nap.  

Well... upon my return 2 -3 minutes max. later, she is down in the bathroom at the sink.  I think, "Great, she's finished and is washing up to play our game." But ... no. The remnants of her lunch are still on the kitchen table and in the bathroom is 3/4 of a new bottle of Loreal kids shampoo nicely displayed on the top of the toilet seat lid. Not only is it on the lid, but on the floor, on her shirt, on her arms, on the toilet paper - let's just say everywhere.  What was she thinking???  

On the positive side, at least my bathroom smells fresh and fruity.